Last weekend started a little funny. Friday. On our way to Alterbike-Fest @ Frumoasa [Csikszepviz] in a tiny little car filled with band mebmers. Plus another car filled with drums. We were both racing against time, because we should have started at 21oo hours.
Of course we got there late, but no worries! Not even the stage was finalized, soooooo we started a little late. We made a quick and really painful soundcheck and whoopsy-daisy the Groovers from Groovie-Ville started the show, which turned out to be a great great party. Aside from technical "itches" everything was cool. My baby, Maxine, kept detuning herself for the first half of the concert, but in the second half she did ok. Anyway, we're ever so grateful for the organiser crew from Alterbike-Fest, for the sound crew and all the nice biker people around. 30 bikers made such a party, that at a point it sounded like a football stadium. We thank you for that!

Next day we got back on the road, heading towards Art Boulevard @ Bucharest, our next gig location. We got there, we ate, we admired the Great city. Our hosts were very very nice, they believed in us, in our music, and hoped for a great show from our behalf. It was our second time in Bucharest, and the audience wasn't really familiar with our name or our genre. But we did a little sound check. We drank a few Red-Bulls, and started what was to be our greatest show ever.

The Audience was fantastic, the sound was amazing, the event was organised in a way, that you just hope to be made. We never mean to brag, but you know, as time passes, you get stage-experience, you get more feeling while playing, you can focus on little things on the stage. We can proudly say that we're progressing. In sound, in feeling, in certainty, thanks to you. To you, who listenes and to you, who invites us, to you, who make our sound better, to you, who take our photos

[BIG UPS to Arthur Mustafa for these great pictures!!!], to you, who drive us half around the country and still have the energy and mood to party to our songs even though you've heard them a million times. In conclusion, we came, we sang, we went home. But... We'll be back! ---->Fat Jimmy from Groovie-Ville